News / gaiwan zhong kyusu white tea green oolong asian style gong fu tea preparation
Enjoy green, white and oolong teas as the Chinese do
One thing I have observed about tea drinking.... very very few Westerners really know what they're missing regarding the best of the Chinese teas...and Japanese. These are exquisite drinks, to be savoured as if drinking a Puligny Montrachet. Sadly I reckon less than 5% of westerners have any clue as to how to make a green or white tea, or even an oolong. Gaiwans are the way to go. Kyusu too are really easy especially if drinking tea on your own.Anyway, do yourself a favour...get into these amazing teas. And learn how to use these Asian tea wares, how much...
Green tea - tastes bitter ? It's all in the brewing temperature.
There has been so much spoken about green tea in the western world these past 10 years. Antioxidant boosters. Slimming teas. Many claims. Mostly very dubious. Many simply untrue. Snake oil salesmen like in the Wild West ! Green teas are delicious. Extremely varied. Healthy. Hydrating. Refreshing. A great addition to your tea range. But be selective. Poor green teas are.... poor ! They're plain. And yucky - to use a technical term. Green tea in the west is usually very ordinary - and I am being kind ! The quality (sic) of much of the green tea sold by...