If he was still around, he'd drink Bespoke Tea ! Rwanda Breakfast with milk, given he lived in Connecticut.
The Hon. Bruce Bilson MP - outgoing Federal Minister for Small Business
Very sad to see that the Hon Bruce Bilson MP is no longer the Federal Minister for Small Business following the Malcolm Turnbull cabinet reshuffle. Bespoke Tea Company was honoured to have him visit us in late July and I shared some insights ito white and green teas with him during his visit. He and his staff are keen tea drinkers. They worked so tirelessly and enthusiastically to help small business in Australia. A big thank you to Bruce !
Tea tasting and preparation classes
These classes are proving very popular and we now have a stream of tea lovers coming to our premises. The classes focus on tasting, but also cover the history of tea, its processing and production. We even have Chinese visitors coming to learn about their won native teas ! This week there is a story in the local Murdoch press about the classes. Thank you Lucy Callandar for taking time to visit us and to write the story - and Marty for the photography.
Enjoy green, white and oolong teas as the Chinese do
One thing I have observed about tea drinking.... very very few Westerners really know what they're missing regarding the best of the Chinese teas...and Japanese. These are exquisite drinks, to be savoured as if drinking a Puligny Montrachet. Sadly I reckon less than 5% of westerners have any clue as to how to make a green or white tea, or even an oolong. Gaiwans are the way to go. Kyusu too are really easy especially if drinking tea on your own.Anyway, do yourself a favour...get into these amazing teas. And learn how to use these Asian tea wares, how much...
Royal Melbourne Fine Food awards judging - herbals
Popped down to the Melbourne Showgrounds on Monday, March 16, to judge the herbal teas entered in for this year' Royal Melbourne Fine Food awards. Deja vu. My fellow judge was again Sharyn Johnston - with whom I have become good mates since we met at last year's herbal judging. And again Ross Karavis is coordinating all the entries for a very wide range of food and beverage categories. Exhausting work done very efficiently by Ross....apassionate foodie. The entries were to be 80% plus Australian homegrown content. Quite a challenge for the participants.
Iced tea - summer still sizzling
The summer weather has come back. We have 15 flavoured teas in stock - black and green etas. All perfect for iced tea. Check out the range today.